It is a “smartGreen” house built – the result of the concept implementation developed in the Termoline research center. It has a built-up area of 300 m² . Meets the standards defined by the “smartGreen” concept as follows and detailed in the photos.

•  insulation is close to the insulation of passive houses while avoiding thermal bridges:
– the facades are insulated with 150 mm thick basalt wool;
– Roofing with high density 400 mm thick basalt cotton wool;
– the foundations are isolated from the ground and the terrace with 100 mm extruded polystyrene;
– Ground concrete slab has a 100 mm extruded polystyrene ground insulation;
– the windows are triple insulated from the masonry with extruded polystyrene 50 mm;
• Geothermal heat pump of 8 kW – DIMPLEX with 2 geothermal probe of 80 m;
• Cooling is done in “passive air conditioning” system directly using geothermal wells temperature;
• Heating-air conditioning is radiant with T.A.B.S. Uponor (Thermally Activated Building Structures);
• The ventilation is done with DIMPLEX heat recovery unit, Passivhaus certified;
• Shading system mounted on the southwest facades – external electric horizontal blinds;
• Heating – air – conditioning – ventilation system is automated with home manager, ordered from a smart phone;

Electrical consumption   2017-2018 :            Heating                        <   220 lei / medium winter month

                                                                               Cooling  (passive)  <   50 lei / medium summer month

 ”smartGreen” house

centrala termica echipata cu pompe de caldura,  statie de climatizare pasiva si forajul pentru sondele geotermale

schema de functionare a sistemului T.A.B.S. (Thermally Activated  Building  Structures)

montarea sistemului T.A.B.S. – temperarea miezului de beton

izolarea fundatiilor

detalii pentru izolarea perimetrala a ferestelor

izolarea fatadelor cu vata minerala 150 mm