MANDIK produces for the industrial field: gas air heaters for heating and ventilation; water heaters for heating, air conditioning and ventilation; stratificators and industrial air curtains.
MANDIK – MONZUN TE hot water heaters are used for heating and ventilation of production halls and warehouses. They can be equipped with optional accessories, when mixing chambers are used, the equipment can also be used for ventilation. Characteristics:
– wall or ceiling mounting possibilities;
– it is possible to connect the mixing chamber and other accessories;
– thermal power from 9.6 to 88.7 kW;
– Volume of air flow from 1 500 to 7 800 m³ / h;
– heated water: tmax = 100 ° C;- MANDIK MONZUN – TEC air heaters are equipment used for heating / cooling / ventilation of production halls and warehouses. Characteristics:
– thermal power from 24.8 to 68.8 kW;
– air flow volume from 1500 to 4000 m³ / h;
– Cooling power from 6.2 to 20.9 kW;
– the volume of air flow from 1 500 to 4 000 m³ / h;
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Gas-fired gas heaters MANDIK MONZUN – are axial motor equipment used for heating / ventilation of production halls and warehouses. Characteristics:
– forced evacuation equipment for combustion gases;
– Fuels: natural gas (G20), propane (G31), propane-butane (G30 / G31);
– heating power: from 11.6 to 59.9 kW;
– air flow: from 2200 to 5000 m³ / h;
– wall or ceiling mounting possibilities;
– modulated power is already in the series design (continuous power adjustment);
MANDIK STRATIFICATOR – ventilator de tavan care asigură fluxul forțat al aerului încălzit de la partea superioara catre pardosea, asigurand economii la incalzirea halelor industriale (scad pierderile de căldură prin acoperis). Caracteristici:
– creșterea eficienței încălzirii halelor industriale, în principal încălzirea cu aer cald;
– asigură circulația forțată a aerului într-o direcție descendentă (pentru zona de lucru);
– scăderea gradientului de temperatură între părțile superioare și inferioare ale halei;
Disponibil in 3 variante de putere :
– 4300 m³/h;
– 5700 m³/h;
– 9100 m³/h;
.MANDIK AIRSTREAM air curtain – is a HVAC device designed to separate the indoor environment from outside into industrial buildings. When opening industrial gates, the indoor temperature decreases, which reduces thermal comfort and increases heating costs. When the gate is open, the air curtain starts and creates a flow of air that does not let the heat out of the hall to the outside.
Available in 3 power variants:
– 4300 m³ / h;
– 5700 m³ / h;
– 9100 m³ / h;