Evaluarea managementului inovației

Evaluarea IMP³rove este o analiză structurată a managementului actual al inovației firmei Termoline, performanță în comparație cu criteriile de referință furnizate de firmele din întreaga lume. Pe o scară de la 0 la 100%, Termoline  atinge un scor general de 67%. Performanta valorilor de referință selectate este prezentată  mai jos si oferă o indicare a […]

Termoline finalizes in Paris the H2020 project: GABI Cost

COST Action GABI (Geothermal Applications for Buildings and Infrastructure) proposed to define European best practice design rules for thermoactive geostructures in four years: geothermal wells, energy pilots, diaphragm walls and tunnels.

The ”smartGreen” building

Intelligent “smartGreen” building – a result of the TERMOLINE research center with energy consumption <15 kWh / m² / year, equipped with geothermal heat pump, T.A.B.S.system, ventilation with heat recovery and venetian blinds.

Geothermal piles and diaphragm walls (slurry walls)

Piles or diaphragms walls, designed with a structural role for a building, becomes energy structures if it is mounted PEHA or PE-Xa pipes 16-32 mm on the metaalic structure and this becomes the primary circuit of the heat pumps.

Design the geothermal probes field; T.R.T. – Thermal Response Test

Soil to water heat pumps use ground energy as the primary source. Correct sizing of geothermal probes is very important for the whole system efficiency. We use the GeoGert 2.0 system for the T.R.T. (Thermally Response Test)